by ABILITY GROUP | Aug 18, 2019 | Uncategorized, Workers Compensation
Workers compensation is typically one of the largest costs for a business. If not actively monitored/managed your premium can increase quickly. Embedding HR, WHS & staff well-being strategies in your workplace can help ensure affordable premiums.
by ABILITY GROUP | May 3, 2019 | Hazardous Manual Tasks, Injury Management, Injury Prevention, Uncategorized
Hazardous manual tasks are the most common causes of workplace injuries with 29% of injuries at work relating to manual handling. We wanted to provide businesses with some key tips that can help you reduce the likelihood of injuries in your workplace.
by ABILITY GROUP | Nov 18, 2018 | Uncategorized
There are 5 common types of toxic employees. Your ability to identify & address such employees requires care to avoid complications. Knowing warning signs & understanding the difference between a difficult & toxic worker are key to minimising impacts.
by ABILITY GROUP | Jun 21, 2018 | Uncategorized
icare recently communicated NSW workers compensation premium formula has been updated. Changes are to make premiums simpler & easier to understand as well as greater stability. An important change is the exclusion of fatality claims.
by ABILITY GROUP | Jun 6, 2018 | Uncategorized, Work Health & Safety
Safe Work Australia has introduced a Licence Register to making it easier to do business to find important information. Following a WHS Regulation amendment, the NSW Government published a register of individuals who hold high risk & construction licenses
by Marc Ring | Mar 15, 2018 | Claim costs, Claim management, Uncategorized, Workers Compensation
In the first 60 days, the new NSW icare workers compensation claims model teams were inundated with 9,000 claims & 3,500 injury notifications. EML increased recruitment in March improving service. Timing with claims management is critical & we help