Claim Review Saves Client $400,000

Claim Review Saves Client $400,000

After a new client engaged ABILITY GROUP to assist with a complex claim, our efforts secured a fantastic outcome that will save our client approx. $400,000 in premium increases. By the time we were involved,  solicitors and an arbitration date we already booked. The insurer had communicated very little to the client and what the injured worker was seeking through a settlement was a large amount that would have significantly impacted their premium.


Wage Audits & What To Do

Wage Audits & What To Do

Wage AuditWith the Easter long weekend upon us and with most NSW insurers having completed their outstanding renewal premium processing, ABILITY GROUP have been assisting clients and brokers with a larger number of enquiries regarding icare (previously WorkCover) Wage Audits.

Icare have a compliance program that verifies if employers have paid their correct premium. To ensure that employers are paying the appropriate workers compensation premium, legislation gives icare and the Nominal Insurance Agent right to access an employer’s wage records in conducting a Wage Audit. When an audit reveals a business has under declared their wages, the employer must pay the outstanding premium as well as a late payment fees dating back to when the premium was originally due. In addition, when wages have been under declared by more than 25%, the employer will be charged the wage audit cost.


Ability Group Success Client Saves More Than Money

Ability Group Success Client Saves More Than Money

iCare Appeal Success V2ABILITY GROUP were contacted by a broker who had a client distressed about their significant increase in premium due to the impact of the new premium formula. The client had a material claim during their 3 years of experience. Given their industry the Christmas period is crucial for financial viability and having to pay the higher premium could have had a dire consequence.


Appeal Success Saves $550,000

Appeal Success Saves $550,000

iCare Appeal SuccessUnofficial industry views indicate the recent NSW workers compensation legislation and premium formula changes resulted in 70% of medium to large businesses expecting higher 2015/16 Renewal Premiums. ABILITY GROUP has already won NSW iCare appeals on behalf of our clients reducing premiums payable. Higher renewal & need help?


NSW Scheme Reform Checklist

NSW Scheme Reform Checklist

ChecklistDespite the NSW scheme changes taking effect back on 30 June 2015, the majority of medium to large NSW businesses are yet to receive their 2015/16 premium renewals. With iCare now authorising the NSW insurers to start processing 2015/16 renewal notices the challenge they now face is there is a 3-4 month backlog. Given the events over the last 4 months, we have covered this inside out. To help make these changes easier to understand, ABILITY GROUP provide a quick reference list below for our clients and partners:

1) Reforms are causing increases & Renewal Premium Increases

2) Renewal Capping & Appeals

3) New Premium Scheme Transition

4) NSW WorkCover becomes 3 new organisations
