Workers Compensation Journey Claims
In Australia, each State & Territory has different workers compensation legislation & therefore the treatment of “Journey claims” (to/from work) vary.
(more…)In Australia, each State & Territory has different workers compensation legislation & therefore the treatment of “Journey claims” (to/from work) vary.
(more…)Early contact from the employer is important following a workplace injury and can improve the workers recovery and their return to work outcomes. Research shows that making early contact helps your worker feel supported in their recovery and when contact is maintained, they are more likely to achieve better recovery outcomes.
(more…)If you are an employer and you feel out of your depth trying to navigate through the Workers Compensation process, you are not alone
(more…)Has one of your workers been injured outside of work and do you, as a business have an obligation to provide assistance to your worker? A non-work related injury/illness is defined as an injury or illness that did not arise out of or in the course of the workers employment.
[Must Read] COVID-19 NSW Workers Compensation loophole closed for nurses, paramedics & other essential workers including Health, Education, Hospitality, Entertainment, Construction & Retail.
(more…)Mental health issues are the 3rd most frequent health condition after cancer & heart disease. This means supervisors are likely to be managing workers with mental illness. We have identified common mental health hazards & workplace risk mitigation strategies.