Premium Predictability for NSW Businesses
The NSW Government has instructed icare to limit the average premium rate increase for NSW workers compensation to 2.9 per cent, ensuring predictability and stability for businesses.
(more…)The NSW Government has instructed icare to limit the average premium rate increase for NSW workers compensation to 2.9 per cent, ensuring predictability and stability for businesses.
(more…)Work-related injuries can include physical injuries, psychological disorders or diseases. Injury management process is often defined as a workplace-managed process incorporating the employer, worker, medical management & providers. The process commences from the time of injury & facilitates efficient recovery form injury or return to suitable employment. When effective, the injury management process provides physical, psychological & financial benefits to workers.
So what are the injury management process responsibilities of the employer & worker in the workplace?
(more…)The building and construction industry is one of the largest employers of subcontractors in Australia. It is crucial for businesses to understand their obligations in terms of workers compensation insurance when employing subcontractors and other non-employee workers.
(more…)Creating a healthy and safe workplace will support the health, safety, and wellbeing of workers of all ages. Managing an ageing workforce is becoming an important consideration for all Australian workplaces.
(more…)Evidence shows an individual recovers from an injury better at work than by remaining at home. Being off work not only impacts your workers health and wellbeing, yet remaining at home can have a negative impact on their financial situation as well as relationships with colleagues, family and friends.
(more…)The Road Safety Program is led by the Transport for NSW, a toolkit that provides resources to help workers travel safely on the road. Read more to find out what is offered in the Road Safety Program…