by Marc Ring | Mar 1, 2017 | Reforms, Workers Compensation

With continued market speculation, earlier today it has been confirmed that CGU will exit the NSW workers compensation scheme when their agency agreement with icare expires at the end of 2017.
Per our previous articles and as recently as our February 2017 Update, it was expected that the current 5 agents (Allianz, CGU, EML, GIO & QBE) would reduce to 3 agents for 2018.
With the announcement of CGU’s decision to exit the scheme questions will be asked as to if icare will be happy with 4 agents at approximately 45% market share or if they will pursue the anticipated reduction to 3 agents.
by Marc Ring | Jan 23, 2017 | Reforms, Workers Compensation
2016 saw significant change across workers compensation and in NSW in particular. 2017 looking ahead is already looking similar with a significant industry change taking effect in April’17 and a key announcement regarding insurers expected in May.
In August 2016 we communicated the Significant NSW icare Changes that will take affect in April 2017. This is probably the biggest ever NSW change workers compensation change with the NSW Government’s icare (previously known as WorkCover NSW) taking direct responsibility for NSW workers compensation premium processing, payments, credit and related matters. The impacts of these changes are yet to be seen and we continue to watch this space. Based on our discussions with icare it is our hope clients continue to receive the support they are used to and we remain confident that our clients and brokers will have comfort in our support.
by Marc Ring | Oct 26, 2016 | Reforms, Workers Compensation
In August 2016, our Significant NSW icare Changes article outlined the latest NSW workers compensation changes taking effect in 2017. icare (previously WorkCover NSW) will directly administer policy and billing for the NSW workers compensation scheme. Details since the original announcement have been sparse however we understand NSW businesses will be able to use either an online portal, icare Customer Support Centre or Service NSW to provide wage declarations, make premium related payments and related matters. Many businesses are concerned with the service they will receive following the change, however we see these changes as exciting. At ABILITY GROUP will continue to actively support our clients and brokers with personalise and responsive service.
by Marc Ring | Aug 16, 2016 | Reforms, Workers Compensation
icare’s latest announcement regarding the ongoing NSW workers compensation reforms hit the market earlier today. icare’s latest changes take effect in 2017 and will impact how businesses, and brokers, approach workers compensation in NSW. icare is “moving closer to our customers, putting their needs at the centre of everything we do”. The latest changes will transform workers compensation insurance in NSW by controlling how businesses (customers) buy and renew their policies via a new online portal.
We have already heard significant speculation regarding what these changes mean and how the industry will evolve as result. So what do these changes mean and therefore what can our clients and brokers expect?
by Marc Ring | Jun 24, 2016 | Consulting, Premium, Reforms, Workers Compensation

In the last 12 months, the NSW workers compensation industry has experienced dramatic change. As we approach 30 June 2016, it should be relieving for businesses to know that for there are no changes for workers compensation WorkCover Industry Classification (WIC) rates. As 2016/17 rates for NSW Workers Compensation apply to all renewals that fall due at 4pm on 30th June 2016, businesses and brokers will now be receiving renewal notices for these policies without fear of rate driven increases.
For large employers, icare however announced changes to the Retro Paid Loss (RPL) model by introducing Loss Prevention & Recovery (LPR) scheme as the replacement. LPR is progressively moving closer to providing pricing similar to that of insurers in privately underwritten schemes. This is an important change for large business.
by Marc Ring | Jan 18, 2016 | Claim costs, Claim management, Injured Worker, Premium, Reforms, Rehabilitation, Workers Compensation
The main focus of the workers compensation is to enable injured workers to stay at work or return to work following a work related injury. Workplace rehabilitation plays an important role by involving timely intervention with appropriate and adequate service based needs to assist injured workers back into the workplace. We are pleased to say our specialist rehab business HEALTH ABILITY has a 100% return to work rate and can support businesses.