Industry News, Information & Insights
Changing icare Claims Service Provider
A NSW icare Claims Service Provider (CSP) is an entity chosen by icare to manage workers' compensation claims for the NSW Nominal Insurer. Claims Service Providers play a crucial role in assisting injured workers, aiming to facilitate their timely...
Pre-Existing Conditions & Workers Compensation
Pre-existing conditions can have a significant impact workers' compensation claims. A pre-existing condition is any health issue that existed before a work-related injury or illness. These conditions can include chronic illnesses, previous...
Workers Compensation Certificate of Capacity
ABILITY GROUP is committed to helping our clients and partners understand the critical components of workers' compensation. Now although workers compensation is a compulsory business insurance, the legislation varies in each of the Australian...
Office Closure 2024
With 2024 rapidly coming to a close, we would like to sincerely thank our clients and partners for collaborating with ABILITY GROUP during the year. As a reminder, our team take a well-deserved break during the Christmas & New Year period. Our...