Industry News, Information & Insights
NSW Construction A SafeWork Focus
Further to the NSW Premier's announcement on the latest updates, construction will resume on the 31st of July, with safety measures put into place within the sites to reduce contact between workers. Safe Work will be performing many inspections and...
Mental Health Claims Businesses Impact
Recent research and data on mental health in the workplace suggests that one in five Australians over the age of 16 will experience a mental illness at least once in their lifetime. Whilst this statistic may seem already alarming, we are only...
Working from Home Ergonomic Practices
Due to the recent lockdowns and increasing cases in NSW, more and more people are working from home. It is very important that workers are aware of their work environment and to ensure that healthy work practices are applied at home. Ergonomics is...
iCare Work Industry rates 2021/2022
iCare have recently released their Work Industry Classification (WIC) rates for the 2021/2022 Policy year in preparation for the busiest period for renewal of Policies, the end of the financial year. Many employers will see an increase in Premium...