Industry News, Information & Insights
COVID-19’s Impact on Workers Compensation
We are certainly going through unprecedent difficult times that have brought changes to the way we operate in almost every aspect of our lives. Businesses across multiple industries have been financially impacted and whilst the COVID-19 crisis...
Impact of JobKeeper Payment on Workers Compensation System
ABILITY GROUP has been communicating with regulatory bodies and insurers to understand the impact of JobKeeper to our clients. There are 2 ways in which JobKeeper payments are expected to impact the workers compensation system in NSW. JobKeeper...
COVID-19 & New National Work Safety Principles
The National Cabinet has determined that a national WHS guidance on COVID-19 will be developed through Safe Work Australia and is intended to support business to operate safely within the COVID-19 environment. National Cabinet also agreed to...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) & Workers Compensation
Under the Workers Compensation Act 1987 illnesses caused through a work environment may be considered a workers compensation claim. SIRA has therefore confirmed the Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease related illnesses may be considered valid claims....