Following our NSW claim transition update in August  icare has advised all new CGU & QBE claims will be managed by GIO now from October. We have seen some processing delays resulting from claim files moving to GIO & if you need help, we are here to help.

New & Transition NSW Claims

New Claims Lodgement process (if you were previously with QBE or CGU in NSW)

For employers that previously had workers’ compensation claims managed by either CGU or QBE – there is now a new process to lodge new claims.

It is vital that employers are across this new claim process to minimise any delay in claim processing, to maintain early notification and avoid paying the excess for late notifications.

Below is an outline of the claim transition timeline depending on which insurance agent was managing your workers compensation claims just prior to the changes.








The below new claims process only applies to employers where:

  • Previously had CGU as your claims agent
  • Previously had QBE as your claims agent
  • Have GIO as your claims agent

The process for new claims with GIO is per below

For 1st October 2017 to 31 December 2017, lodge new claims with GIO via either:

If you require any assistance or if you are finding that you’re not getting the claim actions or outcomes in time, contact us for support.