Is Sitting Killing UsThere is growing evidence sitting or a sedentary lifestyle can result in chronic and even deadly health conditions. Many assume it is mostly office workers who are spending increasing time sitting yet there are many jobs that are also at risk. Majority of time sitting is work related yet once people leave work they also spend significant time sitting watching TV or the likes. What does the research say and what can be done?

Is Sitting Killing Us?

In a 2011 Media Release by the Australian Heart Foundation the quoted research that indicated that too much sitting increases your risk of developing heart disease by 50%. The article goes on to state “Some people sit for up to 16 hours a day – as much as 70-85 hours a week! Over the last 10 years, we’ve studied the impact that too much sitting has on the body in terms of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes and a string of other ailments. And the results are as compelling as they are alarming.”

This is further exacerbated by an ageing workforce as well as the obesity issues faced in Australia.

Radical designs for new offices that remove chairs and encourage employees to stand whilst using computers are some steps outlined in the article by Sourceable and indeed we have a partner that insists on standing whilst working at his desk.

For further information, please refer to the following articles:

Source: Sourceable

Title: Is A Sedentary Workplace Killing Us?

Read Time: 2 Minutes

Source: Australian Heart Foundation

Title: Sitting Down is Killing Us?

Read Time: 2 Minutes