Since being implement on 1 January 2018, the new NSW workers compensation claims model teams have received significantly higher volumes than expected. EML teams are trying hard to manage the higher volumes yet teething problems exist.

New NSW Claims Model Update – As communicated previously, the new workers insurance claims service model for NSW has changed dramatically from January 1, 2018.

The main objective of the new claims model is to optimise and expedite the approval process for injured workers to access treatment.  The new model is designed and focused on achieving optimal outcomes.

icare have advised more than 75% of claims are closed within 4-6 weeks from the date of notification, provisional liability will be accepted very quickly.  Where there is more complexity associated with the claim it is critical to contact ABILITY GROUP immediately, so we can assist you and the injured worker.

As the new model has only just started, the transition can be confusing and difficult for clients and injured workers to navigate.  We are currently experiencing some teething problems as the new teams, new systems, new technology and people familiarise with the new platform and model.  If you are experiencing difficulty in navigating the system please contact ABILITY GROUP, we are here to help.

We anticipate the new claims model will need more time to settle down.  At ABILITY GROUP we understand how busy our clients are in running their business, if you have an injury or incident please contact us immediately.  ABILITY GROUP can assist and navigate the process for you and your injured workers.  We can lodge, manage and ensure the process is made easy to save you time, so you can focus on your core business activities.