October is Australian National Safe Work month. In 2019 Safe Work Australia is wanting to let everyone know they can be a Work Health & Safety (WHS) champion via the theme “Be a Safety Champion”.

October Safe Work Month – Established in 2008, National Safety Month was developed to raise awareness about WHS in the Australian working community. Ms Baxter from Safe Work said “Being a leader for work health and safety and actively taking a role in supporting a strong health and safety culture is everyone’s business”.

This years theme is “Be a Safety Champion”, outlining how moment’s forethought can prevent harm. Safe Work Australia are encouraging safety practices as simple as taking a moment before the day to highlight potential hazards and risks in your workplace, and how to minimise them. Business owners, managers and employers have the duty to ensure these health and safety practices for all employees at work.

Poor Work Health and Safety can lead to workplace mishaps and thus unprecedented injury, illness and death. Albeit a steady decline in work-related fatalities and claims over the past years, these issues are still costing Australian’s $61.8 billion a year – Not to mention to emotional impact it has on friends, family and co-workers.

Additionally, various infographics and posters can be found on their website to promote awareness and these safe practices.

For any support or advice regarding WHS and Risk Management, please contact our WHS and risk management specialists.

For further information, please refer to:

Title: National Safe Work Month

Source: Safe Work Australia

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