Pre-existing conditions can have a significant impact workers’ compensation claims. A pre-existing condition is any health issue that existed before a work-related injury or illness. These conditions can include chronic illnesses, previous injuries, mental health conditions, or degenerative diseases. So why are Pre-Existing Conditions important with workers compensation?

Pre-Existing Conditions & Workers Compensation

Having a pre-existing condition doesn’t automatically disqualify a worker from receiving workers’ compensation benefits. The key factor is whether work aggravated, accelerated or exacerbated the workers condition. If work is a contributing factor that has resulted in worsened your worker’s pre-existing condition, your worker may be eligible for a workers compensation claim if they can demonstrate their work activities contributed significantly to the aggravation of their pre-exisiting condition.

Pre-existing Conditions refer to any medical conditions that an employee had before the workplace injury or illness occurred. These conditions can range from chronic illnesses, like diabetes or arthritis, to previous injuries or surgeries. When an employee with a pre-existing condition suffers a work-related injury, determining the extent to which the workplace incident aggravated the condition becomes essential.

Initial Assessment and Documentation

The first step in managing claims involving pre-existing conditions is thorough documentation. When an injury occurs, ensure that the employee receives prompt medical attention. The initial medical examination should include a detailed assessment of the injury and any pre-existing conditions. Accurate documentation at this stage is critical for establishing a baseline and understanding the impact of the workplace incident.

Medical Evaluation and Treatment

A comprehensive medical evaluation is necessary to differentiate between the effects of the pre-existing condition and the new injury. Healthcare providers experienced in workers’ compensation cases can provide an unbiased assessment of the employee’s condition. Encourage employees to disclose all relevant medical history to ensure a complete evaluation. Ongoing medical documentation will help track the employee’s progress and the impact of treatment on both the new injury and any pre-existing conditions.

Apportioning Benefits

One of the key challenges in workers’ compensation claims involving pre-existing conditions is apportioning benefits. This process involves determining the extent to which the workplace injury aggravated the pre-existing condition. Benefits should be provided for the portion of the injury directly related to the workplace incident. Accurate medical evidence is essential for fair apportionment and ensuring that employees receive the appropriate benefits.

Legal Considerations

Navigating the legal aspects of workers’ compensation claims involving pre-existing conditions can be complex. Employers must adhere to state-specific regulations and guidelines. In some cases, disputes may arise regarding the extent of the injury or the apportionment of benefits. Consulting with legal experts or workers’ compensation specialists can help employers address these challenges and ensure compliance with legal requirements.

Supporting Your Employees

Supporting employees with pre-existing conditions is essential for fostering a positive work environment and ensuring a fair claims process. Encourage open communication and provide clear information about the importance of disclosing medical history. Regular check-ins with injured employees can help monitor their progress and address any concerns they may have. Providing a supportive and understanding environment can facilitate a smoother recovery and return to work.

Need Help?

While pre-existing conditions can complicate workers’ compensation claims, they don’t necessarily prevent a worker from receiving benefits if they can demonstrate their work worsened their condition. Pre-existing conditions can therefore add complexity to workers’ compensation claims. The right approach can be critical if employers can navigate these challenges effectively.

ABILITY GROUP help clients navigate such challenges via documentation, comprehensive medical evaluations, and clear communication to ensure a fair and efficient claims process. By understanding the impact of pre-existing conditions and implementing best practices, employers can support their employees’ recovery and maintain a compliant and safer workplace.

Need help, contact ABILITY GROUP for professional support. 

Further information

Source: Comcare

Title: Scheme guidance – Establishing whether there has been an aggravation to a pre-existing or underlying medical condition under the SRC Act

Read time: 5+ minutes

Source: Department of Health

Title: Disclosure of pre-existing conditions under the Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003

Read time: 5+ minutes