Industry News, Information & Insights
Rising Mental Health Claims
In recent years, Australia has witnessed a concerning surge in workers' compensation claims related to mental health issues. This trend not only reflects the growing awareness of workplace mental health challenges but also underscores the need for...
Workers Compensation Premium Reduction Strategies
A multifaceted approach is required for Workers Compensation Premium Reduction Strategies to be effective in reducing workers' compensation premiums. Each Australian State/Territory has different legislation and premium formulae however the...
Managing Psychosocial Hazards
Psychosocial hazards can lead to both psychological and physical damage. Generally, psychological injuries arising from work-related factors involve lengthier recovery periods, higher costs and increased time off from work. Under the model WHS...
Return to Work Following Injury
The Return to Work Process following an injury can often be daunting for everyone involved. So what can be done to help minimise risks and make the process as smooth as possible? It is not uncommon for employers to feel worried that they are...