by ABILITY GROUP | Aug 14, 2020 | Human Resources
For the first time, since the introduction of the Fair Work Act’s National Employment Standards, the Australian High Court has provided a key ruling clarifying paid personal/carer’s leave. The High Court’s decision on 13th August 2020 importantly clarifies the method of accruing & taking paid personal/carer’s leave.
by ABILITY GROUP | Jul 30, 2020 | Workers Compensation
Yesterday Four Corners, in conjunction with ABC & SMH, reported “Australia’s biggest workers compensation system icare faces looming financial disaster“. icare has since released a Statement on Four Corners & other reports highlighting that “claims have been previously addressed” & “some reports are misleading & inaccurate”.
by ABILITY GROUP | Jul 25, 2020 | Injury Prevention, Work Health & Safety, Workplace safety
Given the risks, when required to work at heights it is important for the employer to take extra care & attention. Risk Assessments & Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) are required to be embedded as standard operating procedures. Failure to do can result in tragic events & fines.
by ABILITY GROUP | Jul 22, 2020 | Injury Management, Workers Compensation
A quick recovery of an injured worker may not always be simple or easy. Workers agreeing to modified duties or reduced hours, can be beneficial to their well-being, assist with physical recovery and accelerate the return to work process.
by ABILITY GROUP | Jun 15, 2020 | Claims, Workers Compensation
If you have an injured worker (IW) on an accepted Workers Compensation claim they are entitled to wages for any period that they are certified unfit to work. Annual leave & sick leave during workers compensation varies given workers compensation laws.