Changing icare Claims Service Provider

Changing icare Claims Service Provider

A NSW icare Claims Service Provider (CSP) is an entity chosen by icare to manage workers’ compensation claims for the NSW Nominal Insurer. Claims Service Providers play a crucial role in assisting injured workers, aiming to facilitate their timely and sustainable return to work. There is an important change that ABILITY GROUP can now assist many more NSW businesses. What’s changed? How can ABILITY GROUP assist your business?

Pre-Existing Conditions & Workers Compensation

Pre-Existing Conditions & Workers Compensation

Pre-existing conditions can have a significant impact workers’ compensation claims. A pre-existing condition is any health issue that existed before a work-related injury or illness. These conditions can include chronic illnesses, previous injuries, mental health conditions, or degenerative diseases. So why are Pre-Existing Conditions important with workers compensation?

Workers Compensation Certificate of Capacity

Workers Compensation Certificate of Capacity

ABILITY GROUP is committed to helping our clients and partners understand the critical components of workers’ compensation. Now although workers compensation is a compulsory business insurance, the legislation varies in each of the Australian states and territories. A common core workers compensation medical document is a Certificate of Capacity. So what is a Certificate of Capacity and why are they important?

Office Closure 2024

Office Closure 2024

With 2024 rapidly coming to a close, we would like to sincerely thank our clients and partners for collaborating with ABILITY GROUP during the year.

As a reminder, our team take a well-deserved break during the Christmas & New Year period.

For urgent matters during our office closure, please email or contact Julie (0431693213) or Marc (0412903107) directly.

Our team wishes you a happy & safe holiday period!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Each year we try to spread a bit of holiday cheer by sharing some items that have brought smiles to our faces…

Go A Little Extra This Christmas | ALDI Australia

Sweet Suspicion: A Waitrose Mystery | Christmas Advert 2024 | Waitrose

Ed Sheeran – Under the Tree (from “That Christmas”)

Work Party Safety Tips

Work Party Safety Tips

The festive season is a time for celebration, but it’s also a time when workplace safety must remain a top priority. Work Christmas parties, while a great way to boost morale and show appreciation for employees, can present unique safety challenges. Each year we aim to provide recommendations and work party safety tips to help you make sure your people have fun and prevent the work Christmas party hangover.

SIRA Recovers $10M

SIRA Recovers $10M

In NSW the State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) has recovered $10M in underpaid premiums. SIRA identified 81 employers suspected of being underinsured for workers compensation, primarily due to under-declaring wages. This was achieved through direct employer engagement and predictive data modelling. Following our Wage Declarations & Adjusted Premiums article last month, SIRA’s actions act as a timely reminder for all Australian businesses to ensure they provide accurate actual wage declarations to avoid fines/penalties or interest.
