Mental Health Claims Businesses Impact
Recent research and data on mental health in the workplace suggests that one in five Australians over the age of 16 will experience a mental illness at least once in their lifetime.
(more…)Recent research and data on mental health in the workplace suggests that one in five Australians over the age of 16 will experience a mental illness at least once in their lifetime.
(more…)Due to the recent lockdowns and increasing cases in NSW, more and more people are working from home. It is very important that workers are aware of their work environment and to ensure that healthy work practices are applied at home.
(more…)iCare have recently released their Work Industry Classification (WIC) rates for the 2021/2022 Policy year in preparation for the busiest period for renewal of Policies, the end of the financial year.
(more…)Road Safety is an important part of the business especially when employees are driving or riding a vehicle for work-related purposes. Road Safety is encouraged to be incorporated in Work Health and Safety procedure in an attempt to prevent road incidents which can affect both the employee and employer
(more…)30 June workers compensation policy renewals represent the largest renewal month each year. The last 12 months have seen many changes and it important businesses stay up to date with what is required to ensure their workers compensation policy renewal is accurate and they are paying the right premium.
(more…)An aggravation of a pre-existing condition, either physical or psychological injuries, can be compensable and to the detriment of the current employer. It is not uncommon to see current employers being held liable for pre-existing injuries from previous employment, sport injuries and other non-work related injuries. It is important employers take actions to help minimise the risk of an aggravation occurring.