by ABILITY GROUP | May 28, 2019 | Wage Audits
Compliance Monitoring Audits conducted by Fair Work Ombudsman in NSW, Victoria & Queensland has recovered more than $580,000 in unpaid wages following a number of audits that uncovered employer’s non-compliance with Australia’s workplace laws.
by ABILITY GROUP | May 3, 2019 | Hazardous Manual Tasks, Injury Management, Injury Prevention, Uncategorized
Hazardous manual tasks are the most common causes of workplace injuries with 29% of injuries at work relating to manual handling. We wanted to provide businesses with some key tips that can help you reduce the likelihood of injuries in your workplace.
by ABILITY GROUP | Apr 17, 2019 | Work Health & Safety
With the Easter & ANZAC day public holidays having recently past, businesses that operate during public holidays want to know what to do when they have workplace incidents or injuries given many of the required supporting businesses are closed on Public Holidays?
by ABILITY GROUP | Mar 14, 2019 | Human Resources
For many businesses it can be difficult to navigate the requirements of employing and paying staff the correct entitlements. At times some businesses however deliberately unpaid their staff. A recent start-up business was fined heavily & made an example of for underpaying staff.
by ABILITY GROUP | Mar 11, 2019 | Work Health & Safety, Workplace safety
No worker should face the risk of not coming home from work. We promote it is essential all Australian workplaces take every precaution to ensure their employees return home safe at the end of every day. So what are Australia’s most dangerous industries?