Take time to talk SafeTea

Take time to talk SafeTea

October is National Safe Work month so why not jump on board and host a ‘SafeTea’ chat this October. Each year Safe Work Australia runs a national campaign to promote & raise awareness around WHS in the workplace, this year they are calling it the ‘SafeTea’ chat.

SafeTea is about encouraging workplaces to arrange a time for this month to have a chat with their staff around the importance of WHS to make a safe and healthy workplace while enjoying a cuppa.

So, this October we encourage you to gather your team and host a SafeTea chat to discuss the importance of health & safety at work and aim to reduce the number of work-related injuries, illnesses and fatalities. No job should be unsafe and no injury or illness related to work is acceptable, providing a safe & healthy workspace benefits everyone.

Source: Safe Work Australia
Title: Host a SafeTea chat this National Safe Work Month
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