Wage Declarations & Adjusted Premiums

Wage Declarations & Adjusted Premiums

Timely submission of a business’ actual wage declarations is an essential step in processing their workers compensation premium adjustment. In discussions with underwriters recently we have noted a heightened focus for insurers to obtain Actual Wage Declarations before the due date. Understanding wage declarations & adjusted premiums is important for businesses needing to successfully manage cash flow, profitability & other aspects.

Annual Leave & Workers Compensation Claims

Annual Leave & Workers Compensation Claims

Workers compensation & annual leave entitlements are key components of employment law, ensuring that employees are protected & supported in the workplace. Each state/territory has specific workers compensation regulations with a common goal of providing financial support for injured & ill workers. So what happens with some types of Annual Leave & Workers Compensation Claims?

Right to Disconnect

Right to Disconnect

The right to disconnect is a new legal provision allowing employees to refuse to engage in work-related communications outside their official working hours. This includes not having to monitor, read, or respond to emails, calls, or messages from employers or third parties unless it is unreasonable to refuse.

The right to disconnect was introduced today and applies to Australian non-small business (15+ employees) employers from August 26, 2024, and will extend to small business employers from August 26, 2025. The right to disconnect aims to help employees maintain a better work-life balance and reduce burnout.

Respect at Work

Respect at Work

Respect in the workplace is a cornerstone of healthy and productive work environments. In Australia, fostering respect at work has become a significant focus, driven by legislative changes and a growing awareness of the importance of a respectful workplace culture. So what is the legislative framework? How do you create a respectful workplace? What are the benefits of a respectful workplace?

Advocating for Clients

Advocating for Clients

Earlier today, ABILITY GROUP Owners Julie and Marc welcomed the opportunity to meet with the Honorable Sophie Cotsis, Minister for Industrial Relations, and Minister for Work Health and Safety in New South Wales. During a broad-ranging discussion, ABILITY GROUP identified what is working well, the challenges faced by businesses and workers and recommended opportunities. ABILITY GROUP also sought the Minster’s input on the important role ABILITY GROUP can continue to perform in enhancing workers compensation, work, health and safety.
