by Marc Ring | Feb 24, 2025 | Claim management, Workers Compensation
A NSW icare Claims Service Provider (CSP) is an entity chosen by icare to manage workers’ compensation claims for the NSW Nominal Insurer. Claims Service Providers play a crucial role in assisting injured workers, aiming to facilitate their timely and sustainable return to work. There is an important change that ABILITY GROUP can now assist many more NSW businesses. What’s changed? How can ABILITY GROUP assist your business?
by AG Admin | Feb 17, 2025 | Claim management, Claims, Injury Management, Workers Compensation, Workplace safety
Pre-existing conditions can have a significant impact workers’ compensation claims. A pre-existing condition is any health issue that existed before a work-related injury or illness. These conditions can include chronic illnesses, previous injuries, mental health conditions, or degenerative diseases. So why are Pre-Existing Conditions important with workers compensation?
by Marc Ring | Oct 14, 2024 | Claim costs, Claim management, Claims, Premium, Workers Compensation
Workers compensation & annual leave entitlements are key components of employment law, ensuring that employees are protected & supported in the workplace. Each state/territory has specific workers compensation regulations with a common goal of providing financial support for injured & ill workers. So what happens with some types of Annual Leave & Workers Compensation Claims?
by ABILITY GROUP | Sep 10, 2024 | Claim costs, Claim management, Health & Wellbeing, Human Resources, Injury Prevention, Work Health & Safety, Workers Compensation, Workplace safety
Pre-employment Functional Assessments are a cost-effective strategy to help assess candidates’ capacity to perform inherent role tasks based on their medical and physical capacities. Pre-employment functional assessment process gathers objective information to help determine whether a candidate is fit to perform the upcoming role tasks without risk to themselves or others in the workplace.
by Marc Ring | Mar 25, 2024 | Claim management, Injury Management, Injury Prevention, Work Health & Safety, Workers Compensation
Based on discussions with clients, the importance of early notification is not as widely known as expected. With workplace injuries, early notification, contact and support typically result in better health and recovery outcomes. Evidence shows employees are more likely to stay at or return to work when potential risks are identified, their individual needs are assessed, and treatment and/or rehabilitation services begin as soon as possible.
by ABILITY GROUP | Mar 11, 2024 | Claim management, Injury Management, Injury Prevention
In the context of workers’ compensation, a pre-existing condition refers to a medical condition or injury that an employee had prior to their employment or that existed before a workplace incident occurred. These conditions can include chronic illnesses, prior injuries, or other health issues that the worker had before the workplace incident.