Work Hardening Program

Work Hardening Program

Work hardening is an important injury prevention strategy used by many businesses to help minimise workplace injuries, risks & to assist workers return to work post injury, illness or long term absence. A Work Hardening Program is a allied health designed program to help workers to able to safely perform the required functions of their role. Why are Work Hardening Programs Important?

CTP Changes Impact Recoveries

CTP Changes Impact Recoveries

Earlier in 2021 changes were made to the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017. The changes have impacted the possibility of employers to claim or pursue recoveries for costs associated with motor vehicle accidents under CTP Insurance & minimise the impact on their workers compensation Premiums.

COVID Vaccinations in the Workplace

COVID Vaccinations in the Workplace

The Australian news ensures we all know the government strategies previously successful to eliminate Covid-19 transmission in the community, is not working with the current Delta variant outbreak. The Government’s focus is consequently now firmly on vaccination rates. With some business mandating COVID vaccinations in the workplace what are the rights & obligations?

Updated Wages Definition

Updated Wages Definition

With the ongoing COVID pandemic & restrictions imposed, many employers have had no choice but to stand down employees, reduce hours or accessing government aid schemes such as job keeper. icare has consequently updated it Wages Definition manual to assist businesses.
