by ABILITY GROUP | Aug 22, 2022 | Injury Management, Injury Prevention
Workplace injury recoveries are naturally focused on from a physical lens among injured workers and employers. However, physical injuries are more than meets the eye. A biopsychosocial injury management approach can have positive benefits. So what does biopsychosocial injury management mean & what are the benefits?
by ABILITY GROUP | May 16, 2022 | Injury Management, Injury Prevention, Workers Compensation
Evidence shows that better return to work outcomes result from a tailored, person-centred approach. A person-centred approach to recovery and return to work (RTW) improves employer engagement and RTW outcomes. A worker that is involved in planning and decision making helps them to take ownership of their recovery.
by ABILITY GROUP | Mar 7, 2022 | Injury Management, Injury Prevention, Workers Compensation
Evidence shows an individual recovers from an injury better at work than by remaining at home. Being off work not only impacts your workers health and wellbeing, yet remaining at home can have a negative impact on their financial situation as well as relationships with colleagues, family and friends.
by ABILITY GROUP | Feb 21, 2022 | Injury Prevention, Work Health & Safety, Workers Compensation
The Road Safety Program is led by the Transport for NSW, a toolkit that provides resources to help workers travel safely on the road. Read more to find out what is offered in the Road Safety Program…
by ABILITY GROUP | Oct 18, 2021 | Injury Prevention, Work Health & Safety, Work Health Program, Workplace safety
Small business owners and sole traders in NSW who have purchased and installed equipment to make their workplace safer, can claim up to $500 via SafeWork NSW scheme. The rebate process is quick and easy, made even via SafeWork NSW short video explaining what is required. Find out more and watch the video below.
by ABILITY GROUP | Sep 27, 2021 | Injury Management, Injury Prevention, Work Health Program
Work hardening is an important injury prevention strategy used by many businesses to help minimise workplace injuries, risks & to assist workers return to work post injury, illness or long term absence. A Work Hardening Program is a allied health designed program to help workers to able to safely perform the required functions of their role. Why are Work Hardening Programs Important?