by ABILITY GROUP | Feb 17, 2020 | Bullying, Claim management, Injured Worker, Injury Management, Injury Prevention, Mental Health, Work Health & Safety, Workers Compensation, Workplace safety
Mental health issues are the 3rd most frequent health condition after cancer & heart disease. This means supervisors are likely to be managing workers with mental illness. We have identified common mental health hazards & workplace risk mitigation strategies.
by Marc Ring | Feb 4, 2020 | Work Health & Safety, Workplace safety
Approximately 25% of Australia’s workforce are employed in jobs that may require working outdoors for at least some of the time. Recent bushfires, smoke and heavy rain, prompted us to review employers responsibilities for working in bad weather.
by ABILITY GROUP | Nov 24, 2019 | Injury Management, Work Health & Safety, Work Health Program
The festive season is notorious for weight gain. The typical Australian Christmas is often centred around family, friends, eating & drinking. For many of us overindulging goes mostly unnoticed as we are busy socialising with family & friends.
by ABILITY GROUP | Oct 7, 2019 | Work Health & Safety, Workplace safety
The consumption of alcohol & illicit drugs in the workplace is increasingly becoming an issue for businesses across industries. Implementing a formal drug & alcohol policy as well embedding associated procedures, can assist in ensuring a safer workplace.
by ABILITY GROUP | Sep 20, 2019 | Work Health & Safety, Workplace safety
October is Australian National Safe Work month. In 2019 Safe Work Australia is wanting to let everyone know they can be a Work Health & Safety (WHS) champion via the theme “Be a Safety Champion”.
by Marc Ring | Aug 28, 2019 | Injury Prevention, Mental Health, Work Health & Safety
Thursday 12 September 2019 is R U Ok? Day & is our national day focused to reminding everyone that every day is ok to ask “Are You ok?” Mental health related issues are prevelent across society & this year the RUOK Org’s focus is “Trust the Signs, Trust Your Gut & Ask R U OK?”