New NSW Industrial Manslaughter Laws

New NSW Industrial Manslaughter Laws

Tough new Industrial Manslaughter laws send a strong message on the importance of worker safety in NSW. The NSW Government has recently enacted significant reforms to its industrial manslaughter laws, underscoring a firm commitment to workplace safety and accountability. These changes are designed to address serious breaches of safety regulations that lead to worker fatalities, with a focus on both individuals and corporate entities.

Advocating for Clients

Advocating for Clients

Earlier today, ABILITY GROUP Owners Julie and Marc welcomed the opportunity to meet with the Honorable Sophie Cotsis, Minister for Industrial Relations, and Minister for Work Health and Safety in New South Wales. During a broad-ranging discussion, ABILITY GROUP identified what is working well, the challenges faced by businesses and workers and recommended opportunities. ABILITY GROUP also sought the Minster’s input on the important role ABILITY GROUP can continue to perform in enhancing workers compensation, work, health and safety.

Importance of Worker Consultations

Importance of Worker Consultations

Many businesses fail to understand the importance of worker consultations. Under WHS laws, an employer &/or person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), must consult with workers when they are likely to be or are directly affected by a situation involving their health & safety within their workplace. Workers must also have an opportunity to express their views & contribute to any decisions relating to their health & safety.

Psychological Workplace Risks

Psychological Workplace Risks

Psychological risks in the workplace, often referred to as psychosocial hazards, can significantly impact employees’ mental health and overall well-being. These risks stem from how work is organised, social dynamics, and the work environment itself. Identifying and addressing these risks is crucial for maintaining a healthy and productive workforce. The NSW Government has developed a new strategy to address psychological workplace risks with linkages to the Management of Psychological Hazards Code of Practice.

Forklift Safety

Forklift Safety

Forklift safety can be enhanced through collaboration between workers and businesses. Forklifts are widely used in workplaces across Australia, but they are also responsible for numerous deaths and injuries each year, leading to significant financial and human costs. In February 2024, a Victorian company was fined $1.3M for Industrial Manslaughter resulting from a forklift-related death and so we wanted to highlight the importance of forklift safety.

New NSW Industrial Manslaughter Laws

NSW Industrial Manslaughter Update

The question of criminal liability in cases of workplace fatalities has been a longstanding subject of discussion both within New South Wales (NSW) and across Australia. NSW Industrial manslaughter laws address situations where either a business entity or an individual bears responsibility for the loss of life due to negligent or reckless conduct within the workplace. The NSW Government is currently reviewing public feedback before taking next steps.
