At ABILITY GROUP we advocate people are a business’ most valuable resource. We understand people and their fundamental importance for sustainable business success. Our people in our specialist businesses combine their passion and expertise in making things happen for our clients and partners. ABILITY GROUP win the hearts and minds of our clients and partners by delivering tangible outcomes that include saving time and money.

Workers Compensation Specialists

ABILITY GROUP has a proud history of successfully helping businesses of all sizes across Australia navigate workers compensation, health & safety related matters. As workers compensation specialists, our team work with clients & partners to minimise the people, business and financial impacts. Our understanding of business and people is key to delivering sustained success for clients.

Workers Compensation Claims

Our team specialise in helping businesses minimise the people, business & financial impacts associated with workers compensation claims. Regrettably poor claim management is a primary catalyst for increased workers compensation premiums.

Core Competencies

Workers Compensation Services
Policy & Premium Management
Work Health & Safety (WHS)
Workplace Injuries & Claims Management
Compliance & Outsourcing Solutions
Risk Management Services
Return to Work (RTW) Services
Workplace Rehabilitation Services
Advisory & Consulting Services
Allied Health Services & Programs
Health & Wellbeing Programs
IT Systems, Software & Solutions

News & Insights

Our Specialist Services

Irrespective of what state or states your business operate in, workers compensation & related matters are often complex & subject to specific state or national laws/legislation. Workers compensation is typically the largest insurance cost & is unlike most other lines of insurance, if not actively managed workers compensation can increase materially & quickly. Businesses often therefore feel their workers compensation insurance is an uncontrollable & highly volatile expense that must be begrudgingly paid every year. Our services include yet not limited to:

  • Workers compensation advice, support & recommendations
  • Workers compensation program & policy management
  • Wage declaration review & submissions
  • Pre & post wage audit support
  • Business activity review & analysis
  • Due diligence for acquisitions
  • Strategic claim reviews & optimisation strategies

Contact us to discuss.

Under the most Australia state legislation, responsive injury & claim management processes are more essential than ever before to help minimise claims costs, premium increases & ensure injured workers have agreed RTW processes. Workers compensation claims can be highly administrative for businesses that must manage injured workers in addition to other activities. In additional with injured workers being absent or unable to perform their pre-injury duties, inefficient injury or claim management can have impacts on other staff, clients/customers, other stakeholders & your business. Services & advice areas include yet not limited to:

  • Injury support advice
  • Claim notification & lodgement
  • Workers compensation claim management
  • Strategic claim reviews for both open & historical workers compensation claims
  • Whole Person Impairment (WPI) advice

Contact us to discuss.

In NSW businesses with a workers compensation premium >$30,000, have Claims Experience Rated Premiums. In simple terms, this means if your business has claims your next 3 premiums will increase based on the specific costs relating to your claim/s. Engaging a qualified Return to Work Coordinator (RTWC) will often make the process simpler, quicker & easier by accelerating RTW & thereby helping minimise related business effects. A qualified RTWC plays a critical role in ensuring injured workers return to work quickly & thereby minimise claim costs & lost wages. Many businesses have an internal resource who performs the RTWC style role yet often these individuals have many other roles that can negatively impact the effectiveness of RTW efforts. Such businesses can benefit greatly from engaging external specialists who possess extensive experience managing insurers, doctors, investigators, rehab, legal providers as well as understanding the legislative, medical & financial related aspects. Additionally, all NSW businesses with workers compensation premiums >$50,000, must appoint a Return to Work Coordinator (RTWC), have a RTW Program & other specific documents to comply with legislated obligations & avoid fines/penalties. We assist businesses of all sizes across industries via specialist services including yet not limited to:

  • RTW policies, procedures & documents
  • Affordable RTW compliance solutions ranging from advice to full outsourcing
  • RTW plan development by allied health professionals
  • Preferred providers to help ensure sustainable RTW of injured workers
  • Provider management to ensure effective communication

Contact us to discuss.

Providing a safe workplace is a legal requirement for every Australian business. We provide advice, service and solutions that help businesses improve workplace safety & minimise risks. Our safety specialists understand that every business is unique & leverage their experience to tailor advice, services & solutions including yet not limited to:

  • Development & review of safety management plans, Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS), etc.
  • WHS policies & procedures
  • WHS audits, safety observations & inspections
  • Gap analysis
  • Training & inductions

Contact us to discuss.

Being healthy is important for people both at work and in their personal lives. Onsite & mobile physio & EP services can be an effective injury prevention strategy in helping minimise workplace injuries & resulting workers compensation claims. Studies also support investing in employee health & well-being can improve productivity, satisfaction and engagement while reducing absenteeism. Our PROHEALTH PHYSIO team leverage clinical expertise to improve workforce capability & minimise injuries. Our PROHEALTH PHYSIO & FITNESS team can help employees, patients/client & businesses via specialist services including yet not limited to:

  • Clinical, onsite & mobile physiotherapy
  • Developing programs tailored for both individuals & groups:
    • Strength & conditioning
    • Stretching & mobility
  • Weight management, health goals & health screenings
  • Chronic disease & pain management
  • Ergonomic & workstation assessment
  • Functional assessments
  • Manual handling training

Contact us to discuss.


At ABILITY GROUP we advocate people are a business’ most valuable resource. We understand people and their fundamental importance for sustainable business success. Our people in our specialist businesses combine their passion and expertise in making things happen for our clients and partners. ABILITY GROUP win the hearts and minds of our clients and partners by delivering tangible outcomes that include saving time and money.


As workers compensation specialists, our CONSULT ABILITY team work with businesses of all sizes across industries to minimise the people, business and financial impacts. Being able to understand business and people is key to our ability to deliver our clients sustained success.


An Accredited NSW Workplace Rehabilitation Provider specialising in the assessment of injured workers and supporting their sustainable return to work. HEALTH ABILITY also provide businesses strategic and preventive services including; pre-employment, functional capacity and ergonomic assessments, selected duties registers, workplace health/fitness programs and related people health advice.


We are proud to offer clinical, onsite & mobile physiotherapy services that leverage evidence-based research & practices to diagnose, assess & treat musculoskeletal, illness, injury & pain management. Services support private & Medicare clients, business clients, workers compensation, sports, health & fitness, CTP, NDIS & DVA.


Our qualified exercise physiologists (EP) assess your needs & tailored individual or group based programs to help achieve health goals. We specialise in strength & conditions, mobility & flexibility, chronic disease management, weight management, diseases & other illness. Services support private & Medicare clients, business clients, workers compensation, sports, health & fitness, CTP, NDIS & DVA.

Success Stories

$90,000 Premium Reduction Success

Prior to our engagement, our client for many years used a different consultant / broker. Needless to say our client was...

Claim Review Saves Client $400,000

After a new client engaged ABILITY GROUP to assist with a complex claim, our efforts secured a fantastic outcome that will...

Claim Declinature

The Christmas - New Year period has historically proven to be a busy period for workers compensation. Due to a variety of...

Appeal Success Saves $550,000

Unofficial industry views indicate the recent NSW workers compensation legislation and premium formula changes resulted in...

Claim RTW Success

After identifying a client’s claim had deteriorated, we explained that the lost wages under the new workers compensation...

Legislation Change Appeal Success

Unofficial industry views indicate the recent NSW workers compensation legislation and premium formula changes resulted in...

Claims Review Saves Client $140000

ABILITY GROUP was engaged by a client after their premiums increased materially after a frustrating claim. Despite their...

ABILITY GROUP Saves Client $165,000

In June 2014 ABILITY GROUP were engaged by a new client to undertake a strategic review of their workers compensation....

News & Insights

Changing icare Claims Service Provider

A NSW icare Claims Service Provider (CSP) is an entity chosen by icare to manage workers' compensation claims for the NSW...

Pre-Existing Conditions & Workers Compensation

Pre-existing conditions can have a significant impact workers' compensation claims. A pre-existing condition is any health...

Workers Compensation Certificate of Capacity

ABILITY GROUP is committed to helping our clients and partners understand the critical components of workers' compensation....

Office Closure 2024

With 2024 rapidly coming to a close, we would like to sincerely thank our clients and partners for collaborating with...

Work Party Safety Tips

The festive season is a time for celebration, but it's also a time when workplace safety must remain a top priority. Work...

SIRA Recovers $10M

In NSW the State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) has recovered $10M in underpaid premiums. SIRA identified 81...

Wage Declarations & Adjusted Premiums

Timely submission of a business' actual wage declarations is an essential step in processing their workers compensation...

Annual Leave & Workers Compensation Claims

Workers compensation & annual leave entitlements are key components of employment law, ensuring that employees are...
Safety & Cloud-based Systems

WHS Cloud-based Systems

Efforts required to comply with Work Health & Safety (WHS) legislation using traditional paper-based policies,...

Pre-Employment Functional Assessments

Pre-employment Functional Assessments are a cost-effective strategy to help assess candidates' capacity to perform inherent...

We're Here To Help


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Head Office - 92A Longueville Road Lane Cove 2066