icare Claims Transition Pilot

icare Claims Transition Pilot

Employers who are currently eligible under the Authorised Provider (AP) model will have the ability to nominate Allianz, EML, GIO or QBE as their claims agent for the lodgment of new claims only. Since the rollout of the Authorised Provider model in 2020, for any employer who has changed claims service provider, their existing claims have remained with the previous provider for management.

Effective Claims Management

Effective Claims Management

Effective claims management process typical requires a business to ensure they have practical WHS procedures, an efficient first response protocol, an embedded workplace injury process, early reporting, intervention and an tailored return to work plan to support their employee’s injury management. Workers compensation claims management process can be complex & we are here to make it easier for you.

CTP Changes Impact Recoveries

CTP Changes Impact Recoveries

Earlier in 2021 changes were made to the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017. The changes have impacted the possibility of employers to claim or pursue recoveries for costs associated with motor vehicle accidents under CTP Insurance & minimise the impact on their workers compensation Premiums.
