by ABILITY GROUP | Feb 13, 2017 | Claim costs, Claim management, Injured Worker, Injury Management, Injury Prevention, Work Health & Safety, Workplace safety
Recently we have been involved with an increased number of fall related incidents. The injuries sustained, & the resulting workers compensation claims, can often be complex & costly. In addition to claim related costs, employers also face material fines for unsafe work sites.
After providing advice and support recently to various clients with workers having sustained injuries (5 metre + 10 metre falls to concrete and an employee falling down fire escape), we wanted to provide greater insights into fall related incidents.
by Marc Ring | Oct 21, 2016 | Claim costs, Claim management, Injured Worker, Work Health & Safety, Workers Compensation, Workplace safety
Construction related work is considered one of the more dangerous or high risk occupations. Heights, heavy and large equipment, complex machinery and unstable ground are just some examples of what workers face in undertaking their work. With the number of construction industry workers having grown by 33% over the last 11 years, site safety is increasingly important and front of mind for most businesses in this industry. No matter how well trained or careful workers claim to be, due to the nature of their jobs construction workers are constantly exposed to hazardous conditions and dangerous situations. To highlight Australia’s National Safe Work Month, here are 5 steps to assist in making construction sites safer.
by Marc Ring | Sep 16, 2016 | Bullying, Claim costs, Claim management, Injured Worker, Mental Health, Occupational Violence, Work Health & Safety, Workers Compensation, Workplace safety
Occupational violence is an incident where a worker is physically attacked in the workplace or during work related activities. It also extends to if a worker is threatened in a way that causes them to reasonably believe they are in danger of being physically attacked. With an ageing population, ensuring aged and other care workers are able to cope with the at times aggressive behaviour associated with some types of dementia or disabilities is an important issue for care providers. Recent data shows care workers represent more than 9 percent of NSW workers compensation claims with over 12,000 physical and mental claims made in the recent 3 year period. Addressing workplace bullying and violence be challenging yet SafeWork Australia provide recommendations.
by ABILITY GROUP | Aug 11, 2016 | Claim costs, Claim management, Injured Worker, Injury Prevention, Work Health & Safety, Workers Compensation
Occupational Asthma (a new-onset asthma in which the underlying cause is exposure to an agent at work) is considered a work related illness and has led to numerous workers compensation claims in different industries over the past decade. Employers are legally responsible for informing their staff of general and specific hazards connected with their job and for providing employees with a safe and healthy workplace. Recent studies show over 40% of workers are exposed to one or more asthmagens in their workplace. According to Safe Work Australia workers in the farming, metal or wood and food preparation industries are most likely to be exposed. Businesses can take steps to minimise exposure to asthmagens in their workplace.
by ABILITY GROUP | Jul 25, 2016 | Injured Worker, Injury Prevention, Work Health & Safety, Workers Compensation, Workplace safety
Irrespective of the size of your business or industry you work in, workplace risks exist. Businesses that adopt a proactive risk management approach will typically minimise workplace risks, injuries and claims. Regrettably accidents do occur and in tragic situations the death of a worker has impacts beyond the obvious. Fatalities in the workplace not only affect the immediate family, they also cause distress to colleagues, employers and friends. No worker nor their family should face the risk of not coming home from work. We promote it is essential all Australian workplaces take every precaution to ensure their employees return home safe at the end of every day. So what are Australia’s most dangerous industries and the common cause of fatalities?
by Marc Ring | Jul 22, 2016 | Claim management, Injured Worker, Workers Compensation
The State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) is the NSW government organisation responsible for regulating and administering the NSW workers compensation system. On the 10 July 2016, SIRA undertook a number of information sessions to introduce the SIRA “Guidelines for Claiming Worker’s Compensation”. These guides have been implemented to support workers, employers, insurers and other stakeholders in the process of claiming workers compensation. These new SIRA guidelines will come into effect from the 1 August 2016 and include such items as removing the need for the injured worker’s DOB, changes to claim decisions, removal of pre-approval for certain items and more.