NSW Premiums Increase by 8% Maximum

NSW Premiums Increase by 8% Maximum

icare confirmed today that NSW workers compensation premiums will increase by the maximum allowed. This represents an average of 8% as previously communicated. Businesses already facing higher costs will be required to manage workplace injuries, workers compensation claims and related matters much more closely or face significantly higher premiums in subsequent years.

Responding to Worker Injuries

Responding to Worker Injuries

The approach an employer adopts when responding to worker injuries is crucial in supporting your worker in recovering from a workplace injury. Employers’ efforts can either positively or negatively impact return-to-work outcomes including the time it takes for your worker to recover. Every workplace injury has unique circumstances and the ability of an employer to adjust their approach to each work/injury is also important.

Importance of Early Notification

Importance of Early Notification

Based on discussions with clients, the importance of early notification is not as widely known as expected. With workplace injuries, early notification, contact and support typically result in better health and recovery outcomes. Evidence shows employees are more likely to stay at or return to work when potential risks are identified, their individual needs are assessed, and treatment and/or rehabilitation services begin as soon as possible.
