New SIRA Programs Supporting Workers & Employers
During unprecedented times, SIRA is pleased to announce new vocational programs intended to support injured workers, road users and employers during COVID-19 crisis.
(more…)During unprecedented times, SIRA is pleased to announce new vocational programs intended to support injured workers, road users and employers during COVID-19 crisis.
(more…)Under the Workers Compensation Act 1987 illnesses caused through a work environment may be considered a workers compensation claim. SIRA has therefore confirmed the Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease related illnesses may be considered valid claims. Employers are also able to reprocess premiums if their wages drop more than 30%.
(more…)Managing an employee with a workers compensation claim can be challenging & frustrating during normal business conditions, yet what do businesses need to do in unprecedented times of coronavirus (COVID-19)?
(more…)Mental health issues are the 3rd most frequent health condition after cancer & heart disease. This means supervisors are likely to be managing workers with mental illness. We have identified common mental health hazards & workplace risk mitigation strategies.
The festive season is notorious for weight gain. The typical Australian Christmas is often centred around family, friends, eating & drinking. For many of us overindulging goes mostly unnoticed as we are busy socialising with family & friends.
Hazardous manual tasks are the most common causes of workplace injuries with 29% of injuries at work relating to manual handling. We wanted to provide businesses with some key tips that can help you reduce the likelihood of injuries in your workplace.